
On June 5th 2012, Garry and Amy moved from a small town in Warwickshire to London.

Garry is 28 years old and worked as a musician for 12 years. He plays all sorts of instruments but specialises in brass and percussion. He moved to London to start a new career as a Mental Health Recovery Worker.

When he's not working or playing music, Garry likes baking (he makes amazing whoopie pies), watching films and playing video games. He's interested in comedy, technology and anything that might be described as geeky.

Amy is 22 years old and moved to London immediately after graduating from the University of Warwick with a BA in philosophy. She's hoping to start a career as a writer.

Amy plays the alto saxophone, but she also likes reading, knitting/sewing, video games and cooking. She edits TV@The Digital Fix and Kitchen Bitching, as well as blogging recipes on her personal blog She Cooks, She Eats. She's very happy about the amount of excellent restaurants within walking distance of the flat.

This London Adventure isn't going to be the same as everyone else's London adventure, but hopefully it's going to be full of interesting things to do, pretty things to see and tasty places to eat. We're not going to be here forever, so we want to make the most of it whilst we're here and we intend to write about it so we don't forget it.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you should become under cover restaurant writers too!
